Monday, January 13, 2020

EHT Task

Guided Practice: a. Teacher follows the above procedure for each student working with each student both directly and indirectly. Teacher and aid will use both physical and verbal cues until student is able to work in pairs and then independently. E. Independent Student Practice: a. Teacher will begin pairing students together based on ability to follow through with â€Å"kick the ball†. B. Students will be monitored for safety implicate, sharing and taking turns as well as using correct technique. C.Students who are non-compliant with safety procedures will work independently with teacher or aid as they kick the ball and retrieve it. D. Wheel chair students will receive moral and physical support as required. F. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: a. Students will participate in a non-traditional game of kick the ball; students will utilize a three base plus home plate field (set up like baseball). Each student will receive a turn to kick the ball and maneuver the basses. Students enable to walk or run or who are in a wheelchair will be assisted around the course.Students will receive instruction, praise and reward for all efforts and achievements. Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies): Teacher will be utilizing direct instruction, one-on-one instruction, small group instruction and independent teaching strategies. Differentiated Instruction: Accommodations have been implemented for physically challenged students. Small group Para-pro for student with CUP. Classroom aid for wheelchair bound student and additional coverage where needed throughout the lesson.Technology Integration: Technology deemed inappropriate for this lesson format as physical exercise is required. Student Assessment/Rubrics: Assessment: Per state guidelines students are only required to participate so attendance will be taken and submitted. An alternative assessment could be documented and kept in student records and could be in the format of a rubric. Students could be me asured as: Mastered, independent, guided, and physically assisted. This information could as well be kept in a teacher grade book used to monitor progress or regression.

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